21935 Van Buren St., Suite A-1, Grand Terrace, CA 92313


What is Foster Care?
¨ Foster Care is a service provided to ensure that children who must be separated from their families are cared for by nurturing families who are trained and (licensed, certified & approved) to meet the child’s needs.
¨ Provides an opportunity for children and families to heal, grow and develop.
¨ Has as its primary goal strengthening families, so that children can be reunited with families who are able to provide safe, nurturing relationships intended to last a lifetime.
¨ Provides an opportunity for children and youth to be connected to other families when reunification with parents or kin is not possible.
¨ It is a job for families who can provide love, nurturance and guidance...and then release them and let them go.
¨ Our families who foster children are referred to as resource families or
resource parents.

Why Do Children Need Foster Care?
Children need foster care for many reasons, some to include:
¨ Physical and Sexual Abuse
¨ Neglect or abandonment
¨ Physical or mental illness of
biological parent
¨ Death of Parents
¨ Emotional and behavioral problems
Children who need foster care come from all different types of backgrounds. They come from all economic statuses, religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. They come to us at all ages with all kinds of gifts, talents and skills.

How Do I Become a Resource Parent?
¨ Families must be willing to work in partnership with the Agency, the County and State offices of Department of Social Services.
¨ You must be at least 21 years of age.
¨ Everyone of the age of 18 and over must complete and pass a background clearance from DOJ, FBI and Child Abuse Index.
¨ Must have a home or apartment that meets safety requirements according to Title 22 regulations.
¨ Children must have a room with their own bed, up to four children per room (special circumstances apply).
¨ Must submit proof of sufficient income to support your own family.
¨ Complete a 12-hr. Resource Family Pre–certification Training.
¨ Must have a vehicle in good running condition with proof of auto insurance accompanied by a current driver’s license and DMV printout.
¨ Must obtain a current CPR/First Aid certification for Infant, Child and Adult for all adults in the home. (No online training accepted).
¨ Complete a health screening questionnaire.