21935 Van Buren St., Suite A-1, Grand Terrace, CA 92313

Transitional Housing Program
for Non-Minor Dependents (THP-NMD)

The Heart Matters FFA Transitional Housing Program for NMD’s serves 18-20 ½ year old youth, that are dependents of Children and Family Services. The program aids in finding stable and safe apartments and transitioning into adulthood. We use Positive Youth Development and Trauma-Informed best practices in our approach with youth. Services include counseling, on-going case management, financial education, daily living skills, and the opportunity to integrate these skills while living on their own in the community with staff guidance.
Youth, who are involved in the state foster care system struggle with basic common life skills that most take for granted. When they turn 18, they enter the community with little to no support. Youth Service staff work on a daily basis to ensure that youth become productive adult citizens that are educated, employed, and connected to their community. When a young adult is placed in our program each individual is placed in a fully furnished apartment that is preferably located near their current place of employment or school. Each apartment is provided for the youth rent-free along with their utilities and stipends for groceries.
Each NMD is assigned an Evolution Coach, which work tirelessly to make sure that the youth receive the support necessary for them to live successfully on their own. Our staff meets with each youth weekly and is available 24 hours a day for crisis support. THMFFA believes that the extra support these exceptional young adults receive is what separates our program from others and leads to successful outcomes.
Our THP-NMD Program provides the following services:
Treatment Planning
Life Skills assessment of strengths and needs
Individualized life skills education and training
Employment Assistance
Mental Health Services
Case Management
Educational assistance
Financial Support